Moo Maven

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Ag Literacy – More Important Now Than Ever!

I am constantly reminded of how important this mission of spreading ag literacy really is.

Last week, I was listening to Apple News Today, as is my morning routine, when I heard an interview about agriculture. The person being interviewed basically asserted that meat production is the main cause for deforestation around the world. What shocked me the most is that the interviewer didn’t question or push back on that conclusion at all as it seemed perfectly plausible in their mind.

I recently had a conversation with a person who had a negative opinion about large farms based on what they’d seen as a child 40+ years ago. When I informed this person that this practice was no longer commonplace, they were genuinely shocked. This person who had long since moved to urban life “thought” they had insider information but in fact did not.

Today, I just read a children’s book that literally had images of buns growing on trees, ketchup rivers and hamburgers growing on bushes!

People are constantly bombarded with distorted and misinformation concerning agriculture every day. Even those who think they are in-the-know often have a very outdated view of farming based on childhood experiences.

THIS is why it is more important than ever before to introduce future generations to accurate depictions of food production and agriculture at an early age. Normalizing technology and science in farming will help to dispel stereotypes and inspire curiosity.

My mission is to educate youth and their parents so they can become better informed consumers for the future. They can learn to view marketing, labels and media posts with a more critical eye and learn to ask better questions. Our young people will be more impervious to misinformation when they obtain a basic understanding of what does and does not occur on farms.

Won’t you join me in this mission?

Keep reading ag-accurate books to your children, grandchildren, and classrooms.

Give ag-accurate books away as gifts for baby showers, birthdays, holidays, and special occasions.

Donate ag-accurate books to your local schools. Or request them at your local libraries.

Offer to read ag-accurate books in your local schools and day cares.

When you find a good children’s book about agriculture, let others know about it, especially if it is independently published!